
NAME                                                : Leti Febriyanti
PLACE AND BIRTHDAY               : Purworejo, February 15 1995
NIM                                                    : 26010113120006
DEPARTEMENT OF                        : Aquatic Resource Management
FACULTY OF                                   : Fisheries and Marine Science
UNIVERSITY OF                             : Diponegoro
ADDRESS                                         : Rusunawa UNDIP
NUMBER OF TELEPHONE                        : 085868440810
MOTTO                                              : You Can If You Want
For our lovely teacher, Miss Vany
Dear Miss Vany, thank you so much for being our teacher in this semester. Thank you so much for being care and being funny for every section. I dont know maybe  you are one of another awesome teacher I met ever, I think. You made every our met was perfect with your joke, your story, and anything else.
This is remeber me when we have to revision our report about the practicum and you allow us absolutely. You are very diferent with another teacher, you made our class not to be boring and you act not to be our teacher but to be our friend.  Although we late in you class, you still allow us to attend your class with affable. But we not make little of you anymore. With your mode you teaching, I think english is easy, fun, and sometime have to understand. And once more again, I never forget when you reprove me the first time I wear a scarf or hijab, that was make me shy but its fine.
Actually I really sorry for every mistake  i made in our class. Sorry for I was late, I was wrong to answer your question, I was not attend your attention, my english not in structure, and many more. After all your dedication is very important to our life.  Because miss Vany english is funny, big thanks for you J.

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